I added this page to post links to where I've added my voice
to a cause.
I trust it will inspire others to do the same; whether it be a
cause listed below, or ones of your own.
Add Your Voice.
We need to be the Caretakers of this world. Not its Abusers.

The videos posted on this page
depict graphic animal abuse.
If you buy or wear anything with fur
this is what you support and sanctify!
to go fur-free at PETA.org.
I am Voice # 270
from the HSUS
National Call In Day, May 1, 2008
Make a Phone Call and
make things better!
If you don't know what's happening,
you can't know what to fight!
Don't buy coats with fur collars!
Silent Screams: Dogs and Cats of the Fur Trade
If you refuse to watch this,
then the inhumanness will continue!
I signed the petition to:
I am Voice # 1,706
More help required for:
Earthlings ~ Narrated by Joaquin
Watch and then decide what you're going to do.
This will be one of the most difficult films you will ever
choose to see.
And if you refuse to watch it, then the inhumanness will continue.
I am Voice # ?
Petition to:
I am Voice # 17,983
Petition to:
I am voice # 327
Scroll down [or Cntl/End] for a list of Known Companies that DO test on animals.
I took Action by signing this letter to:
I took Action by signing this letter to:
I took Action by signing the letter to:
Petition to:
My voice is # 301
I SO signed this one!!!!
Tortoise Importation (Graphic)
Petition to:
My voice is # 8,887
My voice is # 307
Please read signature # 314: Feb 4, 2008,
Sandra Wijnveldt , Spain
My voice is # 434
My voice is # 359
My voice is # 225
My voice is # 519
I've lost track of my signature on this one.
that DO test on animals.
