A brief introduction to the
Chronicled History
The Forbidden World
to horrendous acts perpetrated by certain of the Ancients, The First Ones, The Gathering was convened and The Correcting ordered. Across the world the Star Traders
deemed Forbidden, there were Awakenings; restorations
of eradicated memories; and the tellings of imprisonment upon a world lost in displaced fragments of Time.

Welcome to the story of my imprisonment. I
am the Firstborn daughter of the Primal Elements—The First Ones, The Ancients.
In the entirety of all that is there are but two Firstborns.
I am the second of those given life. Born neither out
of love nor by chance, my brother and I were used to
control the chaos the Ancients wrought upon themselves and that which they created.
My captivity comes by way of a bargain struck; because of one Element's jealousy
and another's lust. Though my brother lives here as well, he came to this world by his choosing.
I was stolen away and hidden within a displaced fragment of Time.
This is not the first telling of our story. That
we live this tragedy yet again, is exactly why we know the history of your future.
~Dellasseea N'Syis,
The Awakening Years/Third Era/Third Displacement of Time

the telling of the FirstBorn Daughter of the Primal Elements of the Universe,
her imprisonment in a displaced fragment of Time.
Imprisoned upon a world she created.
prison meant to accommodate the most dangerous of The Ancients,
the rest of the All That Is.
It is a story of a bargain made,
the seduction that sealed it
and the event...
she would not be compromised]
that propelled her into anonymity from all
who knew and loved her.
An interruption of the natural flow
of Eternity.
A fact unknown
to the masses that inhabit
what the ancient
Star Traders deemed
The Forbidden
To those who
know this truth,
the Future
can be predicted.
It is simply
a matter of knowing it already happened.
To any
searching for it
--as those recently
it must be
accepted that
it may well
where one
might not think it to be found...
A future hidden in the Past
of a long forgotten
~L.L. Abbott, Author and WebMistress
of these Chronicles
