To the many that will turn
through the following pages, it will seem these words are the first time read. They were, in actual fact, translated and archived
long ago in the Libraries of Eternity. The language of our deeds is stored safely away in the great Catacombs of Delsyis,
but the original hand and type-written texts, notes, journal entries, discs, and bound publications of the First Displacement
of Time still exist on this world. As do those which were rewritten and republished during the Second Displacement.
Secreted away they remain unaffected
and lie in wait to stand as testament of the current recounting; to the very words before you now. It is here that you will
find, once again, the true history—unbiased and accurately detailed—of all that has ever been. And limited though
it will seem, this is merely the first part of an extensive Tell; a story now three times told that affects you all.
I am neither the reason nor the
need for the terra-formation of this wretched world, but I am one of the two voices that will expose why the FirstBorn Daughter
of the Primal Elements of the Universe lives imprisoned among you. And though I cannot truly call myself the author, I know
the full extent of her (their) story better than she; as I am one of the perpetrators of her ignorance and sorrow.
It is by the grace of The Old One
alone, that The Gathering was convened and certain of us charged with correcting the great wrongs done. Charged with helping
Those Come to this World in order to find and take back That Which Was Taken from Them. Charged with the restorations of that
which was either voluntarily or forcibly stripped away during their transmutation in to this world’s past. I was charged
directly with the Awakening of the one I bargained away into this world and one I helped capture during his futile infiltration.
Though I am the voice throughout
the most of this Tell, it is not by my hand that these words are or were ever written. And were it not for The Old One, The
FirstBorn Daughter would never have written them, much less been let to. We would never have allowed it. Her isolation and
our control had been that strong. Her consciousness, that which makes any one being who and what they are,
had been stripped away upon becoming vanished deep in your world’s past.
As with this publication, so it
was with the text of the previous timelines, all is restored as it needs be known; leaving much still largely unremembered
by those who need see it duplicated. Though your Future is known, it was believed it best to be kept protected for as long
as was viable.
Once this world’s unheard
of prisoner accepted her Truth and recognized her duty to tell her brother’s story, she began the tedious process of
chronicling their recurrent plight. The visions, moments Within, the re-bonding of hearts, their apprehensions, tears, and
above all— pain. That which she did not understand and/or what she had yet to have evoked, I gave her to know. I gave
back her memory of who she was/is; piece by puzzled piece. Answering her questions,
charging her with strength, I consoled also her grief.
Only after she concluded the first
drafting of text did I make known to her my absolute loathing. It made my break from her complete.
I am The Primal Element of the Heart;
one of the Ancient Ones, a First One. I have done what was bid of me—out
of fear only of the more ultimate of reprisals. And even as of this writing, there are few who know what that consequence
I leave you to choose whether you
will or will not believe these extraordinary words. For I care not truly one way or the other what you believe.
Primal Element of the Heart,
given to know during the Third Interruption of Eternity and Displacement of Time
Third Era of the Third Recurring Rearrangement, the Alone Years
Third Recounting of [an unnatural] History of The Forbidden World